Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So, How Was Your Weekend?

Just thought I'd give you an update on my latest venture. Saturday I went to a church picnic. My side has been hurting quite a bit, but I was hanging in there. I had gone for blood tests and urine test on Thurs. The doctor said I had a bladder infection, but didn't know what was causing the pain in my side. So he was going to order a cat scan.

Here I am at the picnic when the pain got so bad I had to go to emergency. While there, I was given an i.v. so they could inject a dye solution later on, but right then I was supposed to drink this concoction (another dye concoction). (It was only 32oz and I had to drink it in fifteen minutes --- hey, not a problem, when I can barely get down a glass of water all day!)

After the first full glass, my tongue started feeling weird, like it was swelling and itching. Right away, my friend, Marsha (named changed to protect the innocent (???), who is a nurse and came with me, jumped up and said, "She's having an allergic reaction." Well, it was and I did. It also manifested itself like I was having another heart attack and I just collapsed. The doctor came in and he got things under control. So, then it's off to do the c-scan. Went fine, and news back was that I had a bladder infection, but nothing could be determined as to the pain in the side. So, the doctor prescribed Cipro - the antibiotic) and I went home.

Sunday, I wake up and my hands are on fire, red and swollen, not to mention that I have this huge "diaper" rash, all OVER my body! I could joke and say that my Depends gave me a rash, but that would be too simple (besides, I don't wear them). So, I immediately stopped the Cipro. Another antibiotic was prescribed, but the redness, swelling, etc., kept getting worse. Can you imagine the only relief I could find was ice bags for my hands, and then lying on the bed in the "birth position" with a fan blowing on "whatever is down there," - since I haven't seen below my belly button in years - just looking for some kind of relief! It has not been a happy last couple of days.

My doctor did call me Monday morning and told me that I need to go in for an MRI to see if they can find out what is wrong. With the c-scan, they did find a little cyst on my liver, but no big deal.

So, that's been my weekend! How about yours??? (This is a true story. It has been copywrited.)

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